The temporary nature of digital

I found a relic, a paper Tate and Lyle coffee bag under a floorboard. That paper bag is older than me, it made me sit down and think about life for a few moments. Finding a paper bag is unlikely in the digital world as resources only a few years old have a habit of disappearing.

Author's profile picture Niall Bunting on daily, temporary, and digital

Confluence is the place all good ideas go to die

For those who don’t know, Confluence is a essentially a private wiki, with areas for different projects and other shared areas. It’s a commonly used tool but doesn’t seem effective at its job, the sharing of information.

Author's profile picture Niall Bunting on daily, wiki, sharing, and information

Just in time knowledge

The idea of just in time (JIT) comes from manufacturing, it meant changing processes so a part would only be manufactured when it was needed, reducing stock that isn’t needed. Can we take these lean ideas of waste reduction and apply them to knowledge?

Author's profile picture Niall Bunting on daily, knowledge, just, in, and time

The sprint velocity is a mean

One of my previous teams would give a five-finger confidence rating after each planning session to see how each team member felt the plan. Like most times before, the median was a 4. After all we had brought in the same number of stories as the velocity, all sounds good right?

Author's profile picture Niall Bunting on daily, velocity, and mean

How to choose between a NPN or PNP transistor? (For beginners)

Many of the articles that were read to research this topic, went into the minute details of how a NPN and PNP transistor is born (and back) but didn’t seem to answer my question. Why should I use one and not the other?

Author's profile picture Niall Bunting on npn, pnp, transistor, and daily

Complex vs Complicated

Two similar words with different meanings, comprising of a subtle but important difference.

Author's profile picture Niall Bunting on complex, complicated, and daily

Thoughts on video games as a post-gamer

I used to play games in my teens, I have clocked up nearly a 1000 hours on Garry’s Mod, 750 hours on Team Fortress 2 and countless hours on Minecraft. Over a short period I left the gamer life, let’s explore that why I did that.

Author's profile picture Niall Bunting on thoughts, on, video, games, and daily

Microwaves only need two dials

I had woken up before my friend and in front of his microwave I stood. The left-over pizza had been successfully inserted. I was staring at the array of buttons struggling to discern the button that would make it heat. After a while, I started just pressing buttons at random to no avail. The pizza was eaten cold.

Author's profile picture Niall Bunting on microwaves, complexity, and daily